Für goldene Verpackungen hatte ich ja schon immer eine grosse Schwäche. Paart man diese Eigenschaft noch mit knalligen Farben, dann hat man mich so gut wie in der Tasche. Da wir hier aber auch an inneren Werten interessiert sind, habe ich diesen beiden neuen Lippenstiften der Lipfinity Kollektion von Max Factor etwas auf den Zahn gefühlt...
I've always had a weakness for golden packagings. Pair them with bright shades and you got me. But we should always keep an eye on the inner values, so I took a closer look on these new lipsticks from the Lipfinity collection by Max Factor...
I've always had a weakness for golden packagings. Pair them with bright shades and you got me. But we should always keep an eye on the inner values, so I took a closer look on these new lipsticks from the Lipfinity collection by Max Factor...
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25 ever sumptuous 40 always chic |
Wie der Name "Lipfinity" bereits impliziert, ist bei diesen zwei Bengeln der Longlasting Effekt zentral. Beim Swatchen auf meinem Arm, blieben klare Farbflecken zurück. Auf den Lippen konnte ich nach halbstündigem Tragen ein leichtes "Ausfransen" der Farbe dem Lippenrand entlang ausmachen, was tendentiell bei den meisten eher cremigen Texturen der Fall ist. Ein Lipliner ist also wärmstens zu empfehlen. Übrigens sehen die Lippenstifte auf den ersten Blick sehr trocken und matt aus, wenn man sie lediglich in ihrer Verpackung betrachtet. Trägt man sie aber auf, sind sie, wie bereits erwähnt, sehr weich und pflegend und verpassen den Lippen ein seidiges Finish. Ich persönlich stehe mehr auf ein Mattes bei so knalligen Farben, aber ich weiss, dass das viele nicht mögen, weil es die Lippen so schnell austrocknet. Was ich besonders gut finde, ist die Form. Eine anfänglich ganz flache Oberfläche. Mit der lässt es sich gleich leichter den Rundungen der Lippenkontur entlangfahren.
As you can already tell by the name Lipfinity, those two bad boys should perform well regarding the longlasting aspect of a lip product. After swatching them I had two clear stains on my arm. On my lips I could see them slightly bleed out after a half an hour of wearing, which is quite normal if you use a creamy texture. So I would definitely reccommend you to use a lipliner. By the way, when you first look at them in their packaging they will give you the impression to be dry and matte. But after applying them you'll see that they are super creamy as I sad and they will give you a silky finish. I personally prefer a mette finish when it comes to opaque colors but I know that there are a lot of girls who don't like that at all because it dries out their lips. What I really love is the shape. The flat and round surface is just perfect to follow the rounding of the lipline.
As you can already tell by the name Lipfinity, those two bad boys should perform well regarding the longlasting aspect of a lip product. After swatching them I had two clear stains on my arm. On my lips I could see them slightly bleed out after a half an hour of wearing, which is quite normal if you use a creamy texture. So I would definitely reccommend you to use a lipliner. By the way, when you first look at them in their packaging they will give you the impression to be dry and matte. But after applying them you'll see that they are super creamy as I sad and they will give you a silky finish. I personally prefer a mette finish when it comes to opaque colors but I know that there are a lot of girls who don't like that at all because it dries out their lips. What I really love is the shape. The flat and round surface is just perfect to follow the rounding of the lipline.
PR Samples
Die Farben sehen super aus!
xoxo Jacqueline